I HAVE read all the letters and articles written by the Muslim community and I feel saddened that they have had to do this because after all they did not commit these atrocities.

Is it not strange that all these good people have written with such deep regret about the London bombings yet to date I have not seen a single letter from an immediate family member of any of the bombers.

Have they between them got not even a modicum of remorse or respect for the dead?

Would not a letter from just one person go a long way to healing the heartache that is being experienced in so many British homes at this time?

Most people are good and kind and would willingly express their forgiveness and indeed their sorrow at the loss they too have suffered if they would simply express some remorse for what has been done by a member of their family.

This in no way apportions blame to these family members but when you are made aware of a death the normal courteous thing is to express your sympathy, this then is all we ask of you.

Express your sympathy for what has been done by a member of your family.

L P Platten ,High Wycombe