I WAS horrified to read in the BFP that there is talk of removing trees in Hughenden Road because they are dangerous.

I often drive along this road and have never yet been attacked by a tree.

Anyone who has ever driven along this road on an autumn morning could not consider such an act of vandalism.

It seems to me that accidents on this road can only be caused by one of three things: mechanical failure; a driver's mistake; or sheer stupidity. I don't see that trees come into this.

I have also cycled along this road and then it can be quite frightening. Not because of the trees but because of the speed at which vehicles go past. This possibly is a place where speed cameras would serve a useful purpose.

It occurs to me that whoever was responsible for praising Bucks County Council for the care of our roads cannot possibly have cycled along them. Perhaps it would be a good idea if they spent some time and money filling in the potholes and repairing the bone-shaking surfaces and forgot about cutting down trees.

Norman Belson, Downley