I HAVE read your "Speed fines still secret despite Lords questions" and I would like to know how much this camera has made and if the police are listening to their employers (tax payers) views and stopping this unnecessary positioning of this camera on Marlow Hill, High Wycombe.

Would it be worth the Bucks Free Press asking all members of the public that have been fined from this camera? Then rather than asking so called "road safety" bosses to provide the information perhaps you can provide a good estimate of this.

In addition to the cost of the fine my insurance has gone up on two policies by £66 each (20 per cent increase), and so in total that's nearly £200 for driving between 30mph and 40mph less than a 100 yards before a 40mph sign.

I have had a clean licence for the past 20 years and I would say that I am an extremely safe driver and previously respected the law.

This camera in an area where there are few if any reports of accidents is insulting our intelligence if the police feel that we believe their excuses that this is not to increase revenue.

If the police want to be respected they should offer an apology for this blatant misuse of the trust we, their employers, put in them.

Rather than cowardly sit in an area that does not need their help they should perhaps try to use the resources we have supplied to stop the unnecessary fatalities that continue to happen along the Amersham Road, Hughenden Road and Bradenham Road.

Richard Gates, Hazlemere