THE Tesco Tunnel collapse farce continues to run and run.

Enquiries to Tesco are met with blank indifference, a refusal to give any information and promises to return calls are not fulfilled. Attempts to get them to communicate with their customers and people affected are ignored, and suggestions that people will turn to the press are shrugged off with "If that's what you want to do, then do it."

Obviously the press is held in as much contempt as everyone else.

In the meantime Chiltern Railways continue to degrade the alternate service offered, mostly without warning to their customers.

Last Thursday saw an overnight withdrawal of many of the bus services, since then the four times an hour service from Beaconsfield to Denham has been halved. Other services may have also been reduced.

As for any coordination between buses and trains forget it, joined up thinking seems to be beyond them. The 7:40am Beaconsfield to Denham bus arrives one minute after the half hourly service to London departs, the 7:37 train to High Wycombe arrives two or three minutes after the bus for Amersham goes, thereby adding up to 40 minutes to the travel time. Last Tuesday the service from London to Denham was delayed due to "congestion on the line", requests to delay the buses from Denham to Beaconsfield were met with a polite refusal from Chiltern controllers.

I know it is a bit much to expect everything to be smooth in the exceptional circumstances of a tunnel collapse, but no-one seems to be doing anything with the passengers in mind. But thinking about it, why should they?

Mike Leake, Beaconsfield