THE most shocking news for me this week was that Wycombe District Council is paying its Chief Executive Richard Cummins so he can leave.

Have they gone completely round the twist?

In the world of councils, Richard Cummins is a giant among pygmies a colossus among munchkins.

He is bright, sharp, professional, respected and experienced. And he puts in the hours. Go to most dull evening council functions and you'll likely see him shaking the right hands, saying the right things, never putting a foot wrong.

Apparently, there's no acrimony, but it seems Cummins wasn't prepared to accept a change in his role and the parties agreed to separate.

I always treat local authorities as a bit of a joke, but Richard Cummins is perhaps the major reason why Wycombe is perceived as a well-run, efficient organisation for the most part.

I'm not saying this because he's particularly helpful to the press, because he's never done any special favours. He's never leaked any secret documents and he's never said a bad word about anyone.

I should hate him for that. But no, at least he gives you the impression that someone very capable is in charge.

So I'm astounded to learn that rather than begging him to stay after 15 years, councillors have negotiated some sort of farewell package. That's our money spent on losing one of the good guys. Plus, you and I are not being told how much the deal is worth, even though it's our dosh.

So then what really is the point of local government? They might as well sit there tearing up £20 notes all day and throwing them on the fire for the amount of good they appear to be doing with our money.