THERE are businesses in the market who will always try and "beat the system". We are registered with Telephone Preference Service to prevent unwanted calls from bona-fide firms so in order to avoid identification the caller uses recorded messages to which you can only respond by dialling a premium rate number in fact I now leave the phone off the hook until they have gone away.

We are also registered with Mail Preference Service to eliminate unwanted mail. What happens? The Royal Mail now deliver up to three flyers with some unaddresssed envelopes. I have written to the head postmaster but this cheap form of publicity is attempting to overcome a system to protect us from unwanted waste paper. Bin it or repos in the box.

Lastly most magazines on the bookstalls contain loose adver-tising leaflets and the method ridding yourself is to let the enclosures fall out on the newsagent's floor. Well the blighters have now found a new method by enclosing many magazines in a plastic bag holding these wretched leaflets inside so we have more waste paper and a polythene bag to dispose of.

I am not sure of the solution to these problems, but it is about time consumer interest was better protected. The Blairs read this newspaper so if it is Chequers weekend I may hear something useful or on the other hand I may not.

Douglas Tyler, Little Kingshill