MY house is now under the Wycombe District Council "Grow" Scheme. I have given it time to "bed in" but it is still not working. This is a great concern for me.

I have, for the past nine years recycled my garden waste by taking it to the tip but always had a requirement for my grey bin to be emptied every week.

I cannot leave my rubbish festering for two weeks; the smell is dreadful and is beginning to attract foxes.

The council also failed to tell me that any rubbish that couldn't fit into the bin on collection day would be left and it would be my responsibility to dispose of it. Hence, lots of black bags every-where.

The council have offered me an even bigger grey bin but it wouldn't fit into my bin store which is situated right outside my front door.

My poor neighbours, who are retired, also have the problem of finding somewhere to keep their green bin. The only access they have to their garden is through their living room. I cannot see them dragging a festering wheelie bin up a step and through their house every two weeks.

We do not have garages to store them either.

Also, I have noticed when it is the turn of the green bins to be put out for collection, hardly any are out.

My first baby is due in September and I'll be using disposable nappies, I know that these are not the most environ-mental choice but this is what I have chosen for ease as a working mum. I'm not looking forward to the smell!

Why do we pay our council tax? I'd rather stop the portion allocated to waste collection and dispose of the rubbish myself! I agree with recycling but for some people this would be a complete change of lifestyle, which is being forced upon them.

Will the council meet their targets like this? Did they consult us or find out what we do already?

Samantha Danzine , Hazlemere