AS a Wycombe resident I have to write to express my exasperation at the chaos regularly occurring at the Handy Cross roundabout.

Last night (July 12) was no exception when access from the sports centre to the M40 west (normally taking about two minutes) took two hours.

Something needs to be done and I wondered if other readers feel equally as strongly about this such that the BFP may want to start a petition to get the county council and police to do something about it.

On average I would say the roundabout has a major blockage once a month. I must admit that poor driving does not assist, as a refusal to leave any space means access ways onto, and exits from the roundabout are blocked. Sometimes, if the boys and girls in blue are not too busy they come and relieve the problem but alas they were not available last night. No, they were not on Marlow Hill with the controversial speed camera as that is a separate unit as I found out to my cost when I became one of its many victims!

The police must be able to monitor the traffic problem on a camera and the county council need to think of a solution. Readers should, like myself, write to the head of highways at the county council if they want them to take action. Maybe simply painting yellow boxes with warnings that they cannot be entered unless you are able to clear them would work, as that would stop traffic blocking exits which causes most of the problems. They could even make money by putting cameras on the yellow boxes like they have in city centres. If that is not possible can the police make it a priority to attend and relieve the problem in say 15 minutes from it starting to avoid it becoming a major incident?

If nothing is done soon I fear someone may set up a lucrative business selling teas, coffees and cold drinks from a trailer parked on the grass verge with a thirsty and highly frustrated customer base.

Come on Bucks County Council and the police, get this problem sorted please.

Derek N Blatt, High Wycombe