A RED Cross worker from High Wycombe was among the first on the scene to help bomb blast victims at Edgeware Road.

Brian Loxley, of Totteridge, had been volunteering at an exhibition in St James' Park to mark the end of the Second World War when he heard about the blasts.

At the request of the London Ambulance Service, he joined other Red Cross teams in providing emergency support.

He said: "I was right in the thick of it. There were lots of people with burn injuries."

Mr Loxley, a utilities worker, decided to join the Red Cross to fill time after work.

Despite having 19 years of experience in the Red Cross, Mr Loxley said he had never experienced anything like the number of injuries at Edgeware Road.

He added: "We have regular training and there are contingency plans about this sort of thing happening. We knew what to do."

Many other volunteers from Buckinghamshire travelled to London to help the injured.

Madeleine Hammond, Red Cross Duty Officer on the day of the bomb attacks in London, praised their efforts.