Police have shot a man at Stockwell Tube station and a mosque in east London is surrounded by armed officers.

Eyewitnesses say an Asian man was shot five times after being chased into the south London station.

One said the man "looked like a cornered fox" before he was caught by police.

It is thought plain clothes officers chased the man from the street onto a Northern Line train.

One commuter said that the man fell into a carriage before officers pushed him to the floor and shot him five times.

The man was also said to be wearing a baseball cap and a heavy coat.

In east London a mosque has been surrounded by police carrying guns and local residents have been told to stay indoors.

It is thought that about ten officers are at the East London mosque in Whitechapel High Street.

Sniffer dogs are said to be inside looking for two suspect packages.

An office worker nearby said: "It is calm and the police have sealed off the whole area.

"They told us not to evacuate our building and they have just taken a dog patrol into the mosque.

"The police have briefed us. They said there is a suspect package inside, which they are investigating."

Victoria and Northern Line services have been suspended.

The shooting comes as police continue their search for four would-be suicide bombers who made a botched attempt to launch a second wave of attacks in London yesterday.