SO THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS have begun and the challenge to keep active minds occupied is off to a quick start on Monday is the Holiday Bible Club taking place at the Baptist Church in Glade Road until Friday. Crafts, recreation activities and Bible story tales for the three to 13 year olds will be going on each day. On Monday it will be open from 9am until 12.30pm but begins half an hour later on subsequent days. The club is free but do check availability with a call to 01628 483972 beforehand.

Fun and games also get underway at Court Garden Leisure Centre from next week and continue until the first week in September. Tots tennis for the four year olds and upwards begin on Monday and there is a tennis camp for the over tens from Tuesday until Friday. Tuesday also sees the start of the Crazy Gang fun sessions for the five to 11 year olds and they will also be on Thursdays from 2pm to 5pm. The five to eight year olds have their own Messy Monsters Craft Club on Wednesday between 2pm and 4pm. Young dancers over the age of six can enjoy dance and drama workshops on Tuesdays and Thursdays and, for the 11 plus youngsters, there is also Teen Street Jazz on Friday between 10am and 3pm.

There is also a full swim programme for the children. Do check with Court Garden reception on 01628 405200 about availability. Pick up the Check Out The Chilterns brochure from Court Garden, the Area Information Office or the library.

Over at Bisham Abbey four-day sailing classes for the eight years and over are being conducted at the sailing school and full and half-day tennis courses for three or four days are being held at the tennis school.

The River Church is promoting a kids' week at Foxes Piece School for five to 11 year olds during the mornings next week. Call 01628 640000 for full details.

AS LIGHTHOUSE, the holiday club for children aged five to ten years draws closer, the Churches Together in Marlow organisers are appealing for lamplighters, young helpers aged 11 and over, to come forward. They are needed to help look after the children at Holy Trinity School from 9am until 3.30pm to help with their needs and encourage them in the fun and craft activities. If you would like to help call 01628 526838.

CARERS DROP-IN is being held between 2pm and 4pm today at the Marlow Medical Centre in Victoria Road. A representative from Carers Bucks will be available to offer advice and information to anyone looking after someone who couldn't manage without help. Gill on 01494 463536 has fuller information. Further drop ins are scheduled for Tuesday, August 2, between 2pm and 4pm and Tuesday August 16 between 10am and 2pm.

COLOURFUL BOOKLET about new adult learning, covering the period from September into 2006, is now available from the Area Office in the High Street, libraries and other key outlets.

NIALL BLAIR, a chartered accountant, has been elected the 57th president of the Rotary Club of Marlow. He succeeds David Saunders. Reverend Stanley Jones is the new senior vice-president with Keith Russell is junior vice-president. Mr Blair was due to get his year in office underway earlier this week at the senior citizens trip on the Thames. Among the new events he is hoping to instigate closer to Christmas is a charity run around the town in Santa Claus outfits.

MARLOW SOCIETY historians will lead a walk around Forgotten Marlow next Wednesday evening. Starting point is Liston Hall at 7pm.

IF SUCCESSFUL in their record attempt to ring 5040 changes of Stedman Triples tomorrow, bellringers from All Saints Church and neighbouring towers will record it in memory of Eric Silvey. He was tower captain for the last 21 years and steeple keeper for 35 years at the Causeway church before his death earlier this year. The bells will ring out for around three hours if the record is to be beaten. Tea and coffee will be provided in the church from 10.30am.

KEEN GARDENER, Bill Williams, shows off his lovely gardens at Whitewalls in Quarry Wood Road on Sunday for the National Gardens charity. It is open from 2pm to 5pm and admission is £2. Another garden open over the weekend is Sutherly, the home of Joan and Chris Sheldon at Marlow Common. It is next to Bovingdon but do follow the signs. Admittance is free and as well as an opportunity to admire the flowers, there will be an auction and children's events to raise money for the Bright Tomorrow's children's charity. It is open Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm.

ART, framed and unframed, craft items and pottery by local artists will go on display at All Saints Church Hall at the Causeway next Friday, July 29. Marlow Arts and Crafts Society will be holding their annual exhibition until Monday and there is opportunity to view each day between 10am and 5.30pm. Admission is 30p.

VERY USEFUL food guide produced by the Berks, Bucks & Milton Keynes and Oxfordshire Food Groups is now available from the Area Information Office. Marlow is fortunate in having a monthly farmers' market, but this guide pinpoints top food and drink producers in the three counties and highlights availability.

BOOKINGS are now being taken at Lady Sew & Sew in Institute Road for children's knitting classes being held on Monday and again on Thursday, September 1.

SIR NIGEL MOBBS, Lord-Lieutenant for Bucks, was the guest speaker at Sir William Borlase speech day which took place in All Saints Church last Friday.

CAR TREASURE HUNT organised by the Methodist Church had to be postponed because of lack of entries. It will now take place on Sunday, September 25.

A MIX OF VOCAL and instrumental music will be given by the Cameo Consort at the Music for a Sunday Afternoon concert at All Saints Church. Sundays concert is free and begins at 4pm. Tea is served following the performance.