A TEAM from Maliks Indian restaurant successfully defended its title at the annual charity cricket match on Sunday. This was the popular Colonel Garrett Cup cricket competition held at Cookham Dean Cricket Club in Whiteladyes Lane. Maliks again won the coveted cup.

The event featured eight six-a-side teams from various pubs, clubs and restaurants in the Cookhams. The runners-up in a fiercely fought contest were Cookham Dean Cricket Club. Local businesses help to keep down costs to a minimum, Maliks sponsored the barbecue.

"We had a wonderful cricket match because the weather was glorious and at least 600 people came to watch" Viv Foss, spokesperson for the event, told the MFP. "We could have coped with 12 teams but it was better to have just eight teams. As it is the match did not finish until 9.30pm as there was a really slogging match." There were all sorts of side shows including cream teas, a tombola, face-painting and a silent auction.

Steve Ray presented the tankards to the winners and the grand draw was won by Les Prentice and then re-drawn with Steve Ray and Maliks then bidding for it raising over £500. The charity event is in aid of the Arthritis Research Campaign while this year's other nominated local charity is the Thames Valley and Chiltern Air Ambulance Trust.

Maliks are sponsoring a gala buffet lunch of 40 covers on Sunday, July 31 with a magic circle magician. This will be in aid of the Arthritis Research Campaign. There are still a few tickets left.

TEENAGERS who would enjoy a chance to fly at White Waltham Aerodrome must send entries for the contest, how they would like to make Cookham more exciting, by tomorrow. The project is run by the Youth Project. There are ten places available for 14-16 year olds to win a flight in a Piper Cub light aircraft from White Waltham to Henley, on Wednesday, August 17. Winners of the free trip which includes transport to and from the airfield and lunch can also visit the Thames Valley Air Ambulance helicopter.

On Monday the Project Youth Club met to enjoy a pizza and bowling until the club re-opens on September 12.

The mobile amusement apparatus will be at the Alfred Major Recreation Ground, Cookham Rise for two weeks from August 15. There will also be an action bus.

JAZZ FESTIVAL takes place tomorrow and Sunday. Tomorrow there will be a jazz cafe in Cookham Dean Village Hall and a Gospel concert in Cookham Dean Parish Church in the evening, given by a choir from Croydon. On Sunday there will be jazz in most Cookham Dean pubs and from midday onwards there will be a continuous concert with four or five bands in the grounds of the Primary School. Tickets are available in advance from Cookham Dean Post Office Stores, Village Hardware and Country Stores. They are £10 for the Gospel concert and £10 for the Sunday afternoon event. Various charities will benefit from the event.