THE GUIDE HUT on North Road provides a useful small venue for functions and meetings.

The hall has been home to the Guides and Brownies and the Bridge Club for some time and also hosts the monthly meeting of the Residents' Association.

The hall is available at various times during the week with bookings handled by Christine Cleaves. You can contact Christine for hall bookings and further information on 01494 712466.

SOME 150 PEOPLE descended on Grange Farm on Saturday night to be entertained by African Drum and Dance Group, Jeli Masa.

Everyone agreed that it was an explosive performance on a warm summer evening and the spirit of the community made this a memorable occasion.

The dancers, who were provided with sand as in Africa, gave an energetic display. At times they invited members of the audience to join them and try out the steps and movements of their energetic dances.

Baba Kone, Master Drummer and Balafon, led the group. The applause was long and loud as the evening came to a close.

The event was supported by local arts organisation Arts4every1.

IT DOES NOT SEEM long since the last issue of the Widmer End News was published and I noticed the deadline for the next edition is August 1. That's actually next Monday.

If you have any items to be included then get writing your piece now. The volunteers who produce this useful publication rely on receiving contributions. Don't let them down.

Now published in A4 size the publication now offers more room to include contributions from local groups.

All items for inclusion should be sent to Bev Ormshaw by the deadline.

As usual Widmer End News will be delivered free to homes in the village and surrounding roads. It is full of very useful information about services, activities and amenity groups.

It is your magazine and the envy of other communities who don't have such a good means of getting information around to all residents.