THE VACANCY on the parish council caused by the death of Michael Gerrard in the Chiltern Rise ward has been formally advertised. If a call for an election has not been received then the post will be filled by co-option.

Anyone interested in joining the parish council should contact the clerk, Sharon Henson, on 01494 448048.

The council meets on the second Thursday of each month except August at the Church Room. Members occasionally attend other meetings on various aspects affecting the village and local services.

It is an interesting role working at the most local level of government representing the views of parishioners.

NATIONAL TRUST is once again running West Wycombe Village Garden Competition.

There will be prizes for the best small garden, best large garden and for the best vegetable garden.

Knowing some of the village gardens this is likely to be a hard job for the judges with so many fine examples to choose from.

If your garden is in for the competition then good luck.

BABY AND TODDLER GROUP meet every Wednesday morning from 9.30am to 11.30am in the Church Room. Cost for each session is £1.50 on a drop-in basis.

New parents and their young children are very welcome to come along and join in the fun. For more details contact either Ailsa on 01494 448234 or Sarah on 01494 443733.

REMEMBER that there are great attractions around the village and a picnic on the hill is a great delight.