PRESTWOOD SOCIETY is organising a visit to the Chiltern Brewery on Tuesday meeting at 7.30pm prompt. This visit includes a tour and supper. Tickets at £16.95 are available from Christine Jolly on 01494 865017. The brewery is in Nash Lee Road, Terrick, HP17 0TQ (On B4009 road between Terrick roundabout and the Wendover Bypass). Parking is available at the brewery.

HUGHENDEN MANOR is the setting for a children's play "Five Children and It" which will be performed on Tuesday at 1.30pm. Tickets are £10 and £6.50 for children and can be booked by phoning 01494 755573.

ALSO AT Hughenden Manor on August 3,10,17 and 24, there will be Wednesday Fundays from midday to 4pm. Come and join in the free family activities which will take place in the formal gardens. Please note that normal admission charges will apply. Get further details from 01494 755573 THOMAS BALL Children's Cancer Fund day long sponsored bounce last weekend raised well over £1,000 with around 100 people taking part. It commemorated the two-year anniversary of Thomas Ball's death. He was suffering from neuroblastoma and his charity raises money to benefit other children suffering from cancer and leukaemia.

The event was hard going, especially on the night shift because there were only four friends of Thomas Ball who managed to stay the course and keep the bouncing going right through the night until "fresh legs" arrived on the morning shift. Well done to teenagers, Aaron Beach, Jai Pearce, Darrel Leighton and Ben Woodley (friends of Tom's from the Misbourne School).

Tom's mum Elaine took part in the event and found it quite tiring but said the charity needs funds to provide free holidays for sick children this summer and when you think of the suffering that these children have to endure with chemotherapy, surgery etc, it's more than enough encouragement to keep you going.

The trampoline kindly donated by The Entertainer Toy Retailer was raffled and was won by Bev Knuckey who had been a tower of strength during the event by rounding up her friends and family during the quieter periods to come and keep the bouncing going and by providing breakfast for the night shift.

WEDNESDAY WALKERS meet at 9.30am in Sprinters Sports Centre car park to enjoy a walk along footpaths of around three to five miles.

For information, ring Julia Bampton on 01494 862280. I have recently joined this group and am enjoying getting to know some of the lovely walks around the village.