ANNUAL HORTICULTURAL SHOW is in three week's time on Saturday, August 13 and lots more entries would be appreciated as the numbers were down last year. The weather has surely been kind this year, but even if you are not a gardener, there will be the chance to show off your handiwork, cooking or preservation skills, to give the visitor to the show much to look at and enjoy.

PLEASE GO to the sports clubhouse for details on the sport coaching for young people in the village during the summer holidays. New social and sporting members are always welcome at the club.

THE PAULS AND ROSS would like to hear your views if you live near Ditchfield Common. They are the prime movers of the working group which has taken on the task of the maintenance of the common. If you would like to be involved with the work on the pond or the rest of the common, please phone 01494 882984 or 882716 or 881641 before the end of July.

THURSDAY from 1.30pm the Flower Club will be meeting in the village hall. Pat Dibden is the demonstrator with the title of "Fabulous Flowers" for her arrangements.

IF YOU THINK you have a musical instrument in the loft which is no longer used, you might consider donating it to the Youth and Community Centre. Until now musical instruments have been hired and music at the centre has become very successful. As the funding has run out, they are looking for donations, so the good work can continue. Please phone Gayle, the new centre manager, on 01494 883878 to give details if you can assist.

EVENING WI meeting on Monday is open to visitors and the talk is, "The Other End of the Tape Measure" starting at 8pm in the Sycamore Room.

PRIZES at the Silent Auction to be held at the Day Centre picnic next Saturday, July 30 in St Katherine's, Parmoor, sound worth bidding for. There's a session at a fitness centre as well as a night at the theatre or greyhound racing.

Phone 01494 883350 to be sure of your ticket. They cost £7.50 and children are admitted free of charge.