SINCE THE EXHIBITION about road safety on the A4128 last week, two surveys have been commissioned. One is for an inspection of the road surface topography on the Wycombe side of the manor entrance, and the other for a skid resistance test on the road surface in the same area. Many thanks to Ian McGowan for prompt action.

ART GROUP have organised dates for outside painting venues during the holidays. On Tuesday they will be painting around West Wycombe, Hambleden on August 2, Prestwood Nature Reserve on August 16, Penn Pond on August 30, Bulstrode Park on September 6, Burnham Beeches on September 13 and finally, Hughenden Park on September 20. The programme may be subject to change and weather conditions may cause sessions to be cancelled. Several people are required for each session. If interested, check with 01494 530610 or 563813.

CHILDREN FROM Hughenden Valley who attend Great Kingshill School have been raising money for charity in various ways again. One year group celebrated Barnaby Bear's birthday, making biscuits and having a party on the field. Reception classes walked to Hughenden Park and learned about the church, Disraeli and some geography and then had a picnic. Year Two's fundraising centred around Paddington Bear. Each child's £1 for their events went towards Medical Action Research, which specialises in early childhood illnesses and pregnancy problems for the unborn child. Year Six leavers had their Presentation Evening during the week, when parents could see the results of their field trip to Weston-Super-Mare. The Ball with a "Titanic" theme had over 200 parents dancing the night away to a live band.

Barclays Bank are thanked for their sponsorship by matching profit totals from the raffle and auction, to boost school funds.