OPEN GARDENS WEEKEND raised £609 to be shared between the Youth Club, Scannappeal and Woodrow High House. Open Gardens was in memory of Audrey Lock, MBE, who led the Youth Club for 36 years or so, and was a wellknown and wellloved personality. By sad coincidence the Memorial Service that Sunday evening at the URC included the death of husband Bill Lock who had died a few days earlier. May they both rest in peace together.

ST THOMAS' CHURCH is holding a Holiday Club again this year, from August 8-13 with a lot of fun and games. It starts from 10am till 12.45pm each day and includes videos, music, drama and more. Book now on 01494 674858 or 673406.

OPEN DAY at Holtspur Bank LNR is tomorrow and at Holtspur Bottom Butterfly Reserve also tomorrow. Call in between 11am and 4pm. Frank Banyard will provide the information.

SENIOR CITIZENS GROUP meets on Tuesday at Kiln Court for a talk on Scannappeal Behind the Scenes. This will be at the usual time of 2.30pm.