TOMORROW a parish breakfast will be held in the Church Centre at 9am. Marion and Keith Spratt will be giving us a visual talk about their recent trip to Ghana. So if you want to find out more, or what did happen in that prison, then do come along.

ARTSMART, school of art are holding one day workshops in the local area. Contact Michael York on 01494 670372.

LANTERN CLUB are holding their AGM at the Village Centre at 8pm on Wednesday. It will be followed by a cheese and wine party. John Robins, treasurer for the past eight years, is not seeking re-election and Mary Kou the group leader for the past year, has given notice. These two important posts are vital to the survival of the group. If you can help ring Mike Cole on 01494 716051.

HOLMER GREEN Minors Football Club are seeking new members for next season, in U6, U7, and U8 age group. Ring 07802 641882 if your child is interested.

YOU WILL have noticed the builders working at the Village Centre. Work is halfway through a refurbishment of the outside of the building. The committee is looking for more fundraising ideas or donations to extend their efforts to the inside.

THIS WEEK is your last chance to put your articles, dates, photos and adverts into the village magazine. Please give them to Judy Gilligan or myself.

BRITISH LEGION have organised a coach trip to Warwick Castle on Sunday, September 4, cost £24. To book phone 01494 713952.