HIGH WYCOMBE SOCIETY are holding their next quarterly meeting on Saturday, July 27 at 7.30pm in the Guildhall.

On this occasion there will be an audio-visual tour of the parish churches of South Bucks with a society member who is also a local history lecturer. During the meeting there will be the election of a treasurer then the popular book swap will take place, when members can bring books to swap and sell. Monies raised can be donated to the society; any unsold books must be taken home.

Chris Woodman, editor of their society newsletter, would like copy for the next one by August 20. You may contact Chris on 01494 528106 or write to him at 29 Maybrook Gardens, High Wycombe HP13 6PJ.

VOLUNTEER FOCUS are asking "Do you have a big heart, a large teapot and a downstairs toilet?" Contact the Elderly are looking for volunteers to host tea parties in their own homes, twice a year, for the elderly. Many older people are lonely and rarely see anyone. They thoroughly enjoy the opportunity of going out to tea with others. Drivers are also needed to transport the guests to and from their home to the tea parties.

If you can help contact Volunteer Focus on 01494 451700, open hours are Monday and Tuesday, from 9.30am to 3pm and Wednesday 9.30am to 1.30pm. There is an answerphone outside these hours, their email address is at wycombevb@volunteerfocus.org.uk UNITED TRINITY Reformed Church (opposite The Rye) have another of their popular Coffee Mornings tomorrow from 10.30am to midday. There will be free refreshments, but donations are welcome for the Church's Restoration Fund.

Money is urgently needed now that plans are in place to improve facilities at the church.

IF YOU'RE INTHE TOWN tomorrow don't forget to call around to Frogmoor to see the Wycombe Community Showcase which is outside The Chiltern Centre, between 10am and 3pm.

Thames Valley Police, a crime reduction officer, Wycombe District Council, Neighbourhood Watch and other partnership representatives will be in attendance to illustrate crime reduction information. Home security equipment will be on sale. The police will be undertaking bicycle marking and will provide advice on home security and safety. If you are in the area look out for the Community Police Van.