VILLAGE PRE-SCHOOL was established in 1965 with high quality care and education for toddlers up to five year olds. The staff provide a warm and welcoming environment. Ring 01494 817093 or 01494 813219 and 814027 for details.

NEW PARISH COUNCILLORS are needed to make up the numbers. The meetings take place on the first Tuesday in the month. If you are interested why not pop along to the next meeting or you can ring the Parish Council Clerk, Val Jones, on 01494 715548.

FETE MEETING took place on Monday evening at the Community Centre and all the charitable groups who traditionally support the fete were in attendance. Table allocation and placement was discussed. Raffle tickets are on sale and the final meeting will be on Monday, August 15 at 8pm.

PUPILS at Manor Farm School have produced a number of signs encouraging traffic to slow down and take care when approaching and passing the school. A school transport plan is a sensible way of looking at, and trying to solve, the problems. Good luck to them.