ACCOUSTICS of the 500-year-old Manor Farm Tithe Barn stood up to the test of Haddenham Players' production of Alan Ayckbourn's one-act play "Gosforth's Fete", performed last Friday and Saturday nights.

For producer Linda Axford preparations had been a nail-biting experience when the leading actor had withdrawn just two weeks before. However, her husband, Mike Axford, an experienced actor, stepped into the role of Gordon Gosforth and gave an energetic and polished performance. Word-perfect Katherine Stubbs, cast as Milly, the tea organiser, fulfilled a demanding role, rarely being off stage. Alan Heap's interpretation of the Revd John Braithwaite's character was amusing and sensitive. Doreen Stanley as Mrs Pearce maintained the dignity of her role as the official fete opener while Stewart Stokes as Peter Luck, the drunken Cub master, appeared to enjoy his part as much as the audience.

A back-up team of Richard Matthews and Keith Stanley with light and sound and Doreen Stanley's front of house team helped to make it an enjoyable evening.

Guests were welcomed by Margaret Watkins, who organised the evenings. It began with a posh picnic, provided by the audience and ended with a raffle and dancing. And all the time birds were flying in and out of the barn giving emphasis to the location and perfect balmy weather.

TWENTY BARRELS of beer, (about 1,400 pints) two barrels of cider and soft drinks and still Haddenham Beer Festival ran out of drink early in the evening. For the organisers it had been difficult to estimate the amount to be ordered, bearing in mind the problems of storage. Nevertheless it was deemed a great success with about 300 people attending and enjoying a day in the sun.

Proceeds will be given to the Snakemoor Nature Reserve. Now the organisers are looking for a local charity to support next year.

THE LATEST issue of Village News was launched at a special celebration with Bucks Fizz and cake in the parish office last week as it is the 10th birthday issue and also includes a new Health Centre newsletter and Village Society programme. It should be in your letterbox this week.

TONIGHT at 5.30pm at the library there will be a bedtime story session for children. The library is also participating in the Reading Voyage and registration forms are available, giving access to folders, quizzes and fun ideas.

TOMORROW, 9am, at St Mary's Church there's a churchyard party to help clear the area and enjoy fellowship of a different kind. All very welcome.

TUESDAY at the village hall a blood donor session from 1.30pm to 3.25pm and 4.15pm to 6.45pm takes place. Please be early if it's your first visit.

THURSDAY, 9pm to midnight, the Methodist Church is taking part in the 14-month "Prayer without ceasing" programme initiated by the Methodist Church Conference earlier this year. Each church in the Thame and Watlington Circuit has been allocated a threehour prayer slot.