LIGHTHOUSE starts tomorrow evening with a classical concert performed by the All Souls Orchestra in the big marquee starting at 7pm. Barbecue will be available or bring your own picnic. The event is free but donations are invited towards the expenses of Lighthouse.

LATE REGISTRATIONS for children to attend Lighthouse will be taken at the admin office on Buryfield tomorrow.

TOY FAIR will be held on Thursday and Friday, all proceeds to Lighthouse. Please bring any good condition toys (non electrical) on Monday or Tuesday or contact Ronnie Dunne on 01494 863383 if you want to donate before then.

THOMAS BALL Children's Cancer Fund 24hour sponsored bounce last weekend raised well over £1,000 with around 100 people taking part to commemorate the second anniversary of Thomas Ball's passing. Thomas suffered from neuroblastoma in 2003 and his charity raises money to benefit other children suffering from cancer and leukaemia.

WELL DONE to teenagers, Aaron Beach, Jai Pearce, Darrel Leighton and Ben Woodley (friends of Tom's from the Misbourne School) who managed to stay the course and keep the bouncing going right through the night until "fresh legs" arrived on the morning shift.

AT THE END of the event the trampoline, kindly donated by The Entertainer Toy Retailer, was raffled and this was won by Bev Knuckey who had been a tower of strength during the event.

HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES for children at the library include the Reading Voyage. All you need to do is fill in the application form and you will be given a pack of quizzes, puzzles and a folder with lots of fun ideas on how you can take part over the holidays.

VARIOUS activities for children and adults are planned at the Roald Dahl Museum and these must be booked in advance. Details are on their website