MONDAY sees the start of the 22nd Summer School and, once again, it has maintained its tremendous reputation in the area with well over 1,000 students enrolled for the two week school at the Memorial Centre. Nearly 60 courses have been on offer and most have been fully booked. However, if you fancy learning a skill and would like to try something new, contact 01753 883759.

Challenge and Consultations of Philosophy, Vermeer and his Contemporaries, Distinctive Cards, 3D Decoupage and First Steps in Computing launch the summer school on Monday.

LATEST Community Association newsletter has been published and will be delivered to all local residents. An updated road directory is due to be published next year, but copies of the Millennium edition are still available from the centre office, priced £1.

Also available at a knockdown price of £12.99 is a History of Chalfont St Peter and Gerrards Cross. For each copy that is sold the Memorial Centre receives a substantial amount.

FINAL MEETING of the year for the Careers Springboard Group undertakes Goal Setting The Next Month, as the target for managers and professionals seeking work. Speaker Val Jaques of the High Wycombe Prog Centre and a committee member offers advice about the benefits of setting targets.

The group meets at St Andrews Church in Packhorse Road on Monday at 8pm. There are no meetings in August but Careers Springboard resumes its activities to aid those seeking employment on September 5.

FULMER WI meets next week, the fourth Wednesday of the month, at St James Church in the village. Although based in Fulmer, the group has many members from Gerrards Cross and would welcome more if they are aged 50 upwards. Ann Arthur on 01753 887636 can provide details of a welcome to older members of the community.

STATION ROAD library is joining in to offer youngsters a Reading Voyage to help them get through the summer holidays. Until August 27 there will be quizzes, puzzles and a folder of fun ideas to undertake a summer of reading enjoyment.

Do call in, fill out the form and get down to some serious reading.

SET for next week is the holiday club being run on weekday mornings at All Saints Church in Oval Way.