COFFEE STOP news is from Christine Audcent: a relaunch of the Coffee Stop is being held from 10am to midday on Monday, August 1 at the Old School Community Centre. The Monday Art Group is closing for the summer break and will be taking place on Tuesdays from the autumn. Although we shall miss their company and custom on a Monday morning, we are delighted to be able to expand into a larger room, which also gives direct access to the library.

We invite new customers, especially mums or dads with youngsters to occupy through the school holidays, to come and join us. On sunny days there will be tables outside on the grass.

For our relaunch day we are offering balloons and colouring for children, a quiz and competition, a greeting cards stall, an array of refreshments and even ice creams.

We shall be open throughout the year apart from Bank Holidays - everyone will be warmly welcomed.

A CYNICAL friend commented not long ago "If a job's worth doing, it's worth getting paid for", not a view held by myself and, luckily for the village, not one adhered to by the many people who give their time and talents to our community.

This week, the team who organised Downley Day are holding a de-brief to discuss lessons learned from arranging this highly successful event. Please contact Chris Hamilton with any comments you have on 01494 462195.

Don't keep ideas, suggestions, praise or constructive criticism to yourself. It is always helpful to receive feed back.

WOODLANDS Toddler Group is in danger of having to close. The group meets at the Guide and Scout centre at the top of Coates Lane on Mondays in school term time from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

Two of the current helper mums have youngsters heading off to pre-school playgroup. This leaves one lady to run the toddlers. The task involves arriving a bit early to set out toys etc, preparing refreshments and supervising the putting away of toys with everyone's help. It would be such a shame for this popular group to fold because of the lack of a helper.

Please give Lucy a call on 01494 461051 if you would like to help.

SUNSHINE MONTESSORI school finished their term on a high last Friday by performing the world premiere of "Helping Humpty Dumpty" a musical that had been especially written for them by local composers Gavin Mole and Sara Ridgley.

The production was truly a team effort with children making a huge paper mache Humpty, parents in charge of the wonderful costumes and hobby horses and staff pooling their talents to support everyone. It was a great send-off for a great summer break for all concerned.

If any parents are still looking for nursery spaces for September the nursery has a few vacancies remaining, ring 01494 442057.