I HAVE BEEN watching with interest the building of the new Mosque. Work started in April 2004 and now it is finished and looks very impressive. It was open for Friday prayers two weeks ago; an event was held for Muslim women on Saturday and a celebration day for the community is on Sunday.

The community is planning an Open Day on Sunday, August 14, 11am to 5pm. Community leaders will be around to give guided tours and they hope this will be an annual event.

MARTINS paper shop in Chesham has closed down. There are rumours that the premises in the Broadway is to become a book shop. We already have the well established Chapter One bookshop in Market Square and the recently opened book shop in the Broadway.

SUPERDRUG store in the Broadway will be closed for one month for refurbishment.

CHESHAM has a variety of establishments offering a range of food and drink to suit all tastes and needs.

Over a dozen public houses ranging from wine bars to country inns, patios and family beer gardens.

A varied selection of restaurants and takeaways serving European, Indian, Oriental and American cuisine.

An Italian delicatessen in Market Square.

Numerous cafes, tea shops and sandwich bars.

Entertainment in Chesham offers: Little Theatre by the Park - an intimate theatre seating 90, based at the Temperance Hall in Church Street.

Summer Sounds Live Jazz and Ethnic music throughout the summer on Sunday afternoons in Lowndes Park.

Elgiva Theatre - 300-seater community arts venue produces a superb Christmas pantomime, cinema with Dolby sound.

Annual Schools of Chesham Carnival.

Bi-annual Chesham Festival.

Christmas shopping evening with Victorian theme and turning the Christmas lights on in the High Street.

CAN you help? Befrienders are needed aged 16-25 years to help children with mild learning or physical disabilities in summer activities once a week or more. Full support is given by trained staff.

Help the environment in Chesham - take practical action on community projects at weekends.

Amersham Hospital needs help in their friendly tea bar with serving or possibly cashing up.

You can help at the eye clinic for Bucks Association for the Blind on Monday or Friday mornings.

Do you like to chat? You could be a phone link and work from home. Expenses are paid and there are monthly meetings in Chesham.

Dial-a-Ride based at Latimer needs help in their office with answering phones etc, also practical tasks to help this service.

Call 01494 793470 for more details and other volunteer opportunities or go into the bureau at 156 High Street.

JUST A FEW of the many groups who meet in Chesham: Community Association Gardeners' Group - 3rd Thursday in every month at the White Hill Centre, 8pm. Further information John Slatter 01494 785655.

Natural History Society - 2nd Monday of every month (except Bank Holidays) at Thomas Harding School, 7.30pm. Further information Mike Lambden 01494 782939.

Chesham Chamber of Trade & Commerce - 3rd Wednesday of most months, 12.30pm in the Town Hall. Further information the secretary 01494 791119 or 785069.

Chesham Folk Dance Club meets every Friday, 8.15pm at the Girl Guide HQ, Lowndes Park, £1.25. Secretary, June Pearce 01494 785191.

Chesham Horticultural Society & Allotment Holders' Association - Secretary Mike Allenby 01494 784391.

Chesham Library - Junior story time term-time only, three to five year olds. Tuesdays, 2.15-2.45pm. Every last Tuesday of each month will be an Urdu/English story time. Bounce and Rhyme 1st Thursday of each month 10-10.30am for all pre-school children 01494 772322.