JAZZ ON SUNDAY at Merlin's Cave in St Giles will be a lively gig led by Karen Sharp on tenor saxophone. Karen plays regularly with the Humphrey Lyttleton band. John Horler will be on piano and taking a break from accompanying John Dankworth and Cleo Lane. Chris Dagley is on drums. He's a regular with the Radio Big Band. Pete Hughes is the regular on bass, enjoying life now another grandson has moved into his sphere of delight.

The music starts at 12.15pm and the barn at the back of the pub is the location for this regular jazz club.

BUDGENS FUN DAY is on Sunday in their Chalfont St Peter car park and there's lots of attractions on offer for children and families. From midday to 4pm you should call in and enjoy the stalls, games, food and fun. Money raised will go to CLIC (Challenge Cancer and Leukemia in Childhood).

ST GILES PARISH CHURCH is open to visitors. Call in from Monday to Friday between 11am and 1pm, then 2pm to 4pm. It's also open at weekends. Organising this needs a large group of of volunteers so if you would like to help with this endeavour please call Joyce Norton on 01494 875840.

INFORMATION CENTRE in St Giles is open in the barn at Merlin's Cave from Thursday to Saturday between 10am and 4pm. On Sunday it's open in the Parish Church from 1pm to 4pm. They have a huge range of leaflets about events and attractions close by, and further afield in the country.