LOOK AROUND your garden and think about entering one of the classes in the Annual Show organised by the Horticultural Society. It takes place on August Bank Holiday Monday both in the Community Centre and St Dunstan's Church hall. Their colourful programme can be found at lots of locations so have a browse through and consider all the classes. You don't have to enter growing things, there are also classes for wine making, crafts, woodwork, photography and cakes. Youngsters have their own range of classes as well.

If you enjoy taking pictures consider the open classes which are: a flower in close up, a landscape including a church and children at play.

LIBRARY events for the school holidays will take children on a Reading Voyage which will be based around pirates, ships, mermaids and adventures on the high seas. Call in and get all the information. There will also be details of the special happenings designed to appeal to children.

If you enjoy jigsaws call in and find out about the jigsaw puzzle exchange being organised by the library.

For adults there's a coffee morning on the last Friday of each month and a chance to meet friends, chat, browse around and find out what's new at the library.

Inka on 01628 524814 is always interested in new ideas and suggestions so give her a ring if you have something to say.

NEW PARISH COUNCILLORS elected at the last Full Council Meeting before the August break were James Reed and Dr Elizabeth Bailey. Both were welcomed by their fellow councillors. Cllr Reed left almost immediately but Cllr Bailey stayed and was elected onto the working party to consider future actions on the Pavilion in the Park. The others were Cllrs Mike Appleyard, David Paul, Terri Sherlock, Peter Caithness and Julia Langley.

HOT HOLIDAYS and children will be around enjoying, hopefully, good weather and a chance to relax. It's probably been said before and mentioned at school but while the river might look like the ideal place to cool down there are dangers. The river has strong currents and is very deep in mid-stream. Swimming from one side to the other might look easy but don't be fooled as it's a long way. Enjoying the riverside is great but keep clear of the dangers.