FARMERS' MARKET days seem to come round quicker than ever and the next one is tomorrow. Do not forget they are on the fourth Saturday each month, not the last Saturday. Plenty of seasonal and fresh foods are on sale from 9am till 12.30pm in the market square, in the Old Town. Phone 01628 670272 for more details.

TIME NOW for the Musical Feast presented by Midsummer Delights and taking place tomorrow from 8pm at the Fitzwilliams Centre. Tickets are in advance only so if you have not yet booked, do so today, or even now, from 07906 848634. Tickets are £45 which not only covers the evening's entertainment by well-known performers but also a three-course buffet meal, which sounds absolutely mouthwatering.

Musical Feast was the brainchild of Belinda Yates and each event is uniquely tailored to the local community with a charity donation included, ie this one to St Mary and All Saints Church.

Keith Cowper appeared in his first pantomime in 1946 and has since appeared in over 40 musicals. He has experience of cabaret, stage plays, film and TV productions.

Heather Chamberlain studied piano at the Royal Academy of Music and has enjoyed a varied career since. For the last three years she has worked with Belinda.

Josephine Ollis's is known for her cookery demonstrations and workshops and has just published a new book A BUNGOMA 20th Anniversary Concert takes place at St Michaels Church, Warwick Road on Sunday at 3pm to celebrate the founding of the Bungoma Link, which is supported by Churches Together in Beaconsfield. The Viola d'Amore Society will provide string, keyboard and vocal music from Baroque to 1930's Jazz and contemporary songs. Tickets are available at the door at £7.50 or £5 concessions and refreshments will be served during the interval. Proceeds will go to a Day Care Centre in Bungoma, Kenya for those with disabilities. Phone Barbara Paton on 01494 873272 for more details.

TEA AND TALK time continues through the summer for the Alzheimer's Society in the Reading Room, Wycombe End on Wednesday from 2pm. Carers, those with dementia, and former carers are all welcome to get together in this friendly atmosphere.

ST MARY'S Holiday Club are appealing for old metal spoons and forks, old brown blankets, men's shirts or large teeshirts, so if you can help with any of these items please phone Deborah on 01494 674634.

CAR BOOT SALE is being organised by the women's section of the RBL on Saturday, August 13 so book now. It will be at the RBL Hall in Candlemas Lane from 1pm and tables are only £7. Phone Doreen to book on 01494 674054. Tea and coffee will be available.

SHIPMATES from four to 12 years are welcome to the Craft Activity planned for them on Wednesday from 2.30pm to 3.30pm at the library in Reynolds Road. Get free tickets from the bosun at the library and the captain orders the ship to start promptly.