EXECUTIVES from south Bucks were put through their paces and pushed to their limits at the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst last weekend for exercises in team building and adventure.

Enry Gresse, 27, a catering manager for Jarvis Hotels in High Wycombe, and Samantha Sirimane, 33, a manager from Chiltern District Council, joined young executives from across the south of England.

The teams were ordered to recover overturned vehicles, respond to emergency medical traumas, balance on narrow beams, leap gaps 60 feet above the ground and perform aerial slides across a lake.

After sending a team on the exercise for the first time, Mike Clare, managing director of Dreams Plc, in High Wycombe, said: "There have been a few injuries but they have enjoyed it. Lots of bugs and slugs and they are exhausted but they really seem to have got something out of the weekend."

The event, designed to test the capabilities of employees with senior management potential, was organised by the Territorial Army and is open to young men and women between the ages of 20 and 40.

Under the watchful eye of the TA and Royal Auxiliary Air Force, the participants were tested on their teamwork, communication and leadership skills as well as their fitness levels, confidence and stamina.

Mr Gresse said: "It was an excellent weekend and I want to do it again."

Malcolm Siret