A CHARITY set up by teenage cancer victim Thomas Ball is jumping for joy after completing its latest fundraising drive.

Two years after the death of the Prestwood schoolboy, the Thomas Ball Children's Cancer Fund has announced it will be able to buy a respite home for families dealing with cancer.

A bounce-athon on Saturday, July 16, helped mark the two year anniversary since Thomas lost his fight against cancer aged 14. Just days before the event Thomas' mum Elaine Ball discovered the charity had been successful in its bid to buy a second holiday home for children suffering from cancer and leukaemia.

Elaine said: "We are deligh-ted with the new lodge that will be known as TJ's in memory of Thomas James Ball.

"The first family nominated by the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford will begin their holiday this weekend."

The bounce, held at the Memorial Hall, Great Misse-nden, on July 16 and 17, raised more than £1,000.

About 100 volunteers bounced through the night including Elaine and friends of the late teenager.

This money will now help maintain the new three bedroom chalet in New Milton, Hampshire which is already fully booked for the summer holidays.

Elaine reflected on what was a bitter sweet day.

She said: "It doesn't get any easier. My husband and I are just as cut up about losing our son now as we were two years ago. It was difficult for us to watch Tom's friends taking part in the sponsored bounce especially as it was Tom's idea."

Jai Pearce, 17, of Hildreth Road, Prestwood, was one of Thomas' best friends and has been an ever present figure in the charity's fundraising events.

He said: "It was difficult because there weren't a lot of people during the night. I was quite tired, but I just concentrated on the task.

"Taking part in this was very important for me.

"I don't like to see people suffering, and Tom was a good friend of mine."

The charity already has a two-bedroomed chalet on the same site in New Milton known as Tom's Retreat.

For more information about the charity visit www.thomasball.org.uk