IT HAS always been drummed in to me that politeness costs nothing. Yet I find myself being constantly faced with people who fail to say thank you, refuse to hold doors open, never smile back ... and they unashamedly carry on with their day as usual.

I'm not sure if it is just the way some (odd) people are brought up. And I need to point out it is not just youngsters that do this. But if I didn't mind my ps and qs I would feel quite guilty.

It can ruin your day if someone gives you short shrift for absolutely no reason. And I find it completely unnecessary.

Just today I spoke with a secretary who was blatantly rude and she put the phone down on me, abruptly, without even the quickest goodbye.

So I replayed the conversation in my head to make sure I had not offended the woman. I hadn't.

So I phoned her back straight away and told her : "You put the phone down on me and I hadn't finished my conversation."

Despite my abrupt tone and the obvious fact I was more than a little annoyed she still put the phone down at the end of the tense conversation without a "bye".

I believe people skills are absolutely vital in any business. This includes journalism despite the rumours.

Imagine a world without politeness.

For starters motorists would never get out of junctions as people wouldn't give way.

And think about queues, well there just wouldn't be any.

Remember: If someone smiles at you smile back.

It costs nothing.