SHOPWORKERS at Littlewoods in Wycombe town centre are facing an uncertain future following the shock announcement that Associated British Foods has purchased 120 Littlewoods stores for £409million.

The retail giant aims to keep around 40 outlets to expand its Primark fashion business and is expected to sell the rest to other retailers.

New Look, Next and Philip Green's Arcadia group are expected to be potential bidders for the remaining locations around the country once Primark has made its choice.

Union leaders immediately sought urgent talks with Primark to discuss plans for the best high street sites and the staff employed in them.

It is not yet known if the Wycombe store in the Octagon is considered one of these prime sites and what will happen to the workers in the shop.

Union of Shop and Distributative and Allied Workers national officer John Gorle said: "We welcome this sale as it finally clears up the damaging uncertainty for our members about the future of these stores. The vast majority of our members are long serving and loyal Littlewoods employees, and we will be urging Primark to do everything they can to retain that pool of highly skilled workers.

"We have an existing recognition agreement with Primark and will be using that relationship to make sure the Littlewoods stores' employees are protected in what will be undoubtedly a worrying time for them.

"Our officials will be using our well-established team of reps in the 120 stores to make sure our members are kept fully informed of all decisions."

The surprise announcement finally settles months of media speculation about the future of Littlewoods shops.

A spokesman for USDAW said they were seeking clarification about which stores were going to be Primark ones and which would be sold. Primark is a market leader in the booming budget clothing market.

The Littlewoods Group plans to focus on home and online shopping where it is UK market leader with sales of more than £2billion and will go on as Littlewoods Shop Direct Group.

David Simons, chairman of Littlewoods Shop Direct Group said: "The sale of Littlewoods Stores will allow us to focus on being the largest home and online shopping business in the UK, which is one of the fastest growing retail sectors."

The news came in a week when Marks & Spencer announced a fall in clothes sales for the seventh quarter. However, food sales have risen seven per cent.