CHILDREN at Booker Hill School, in High Wycombe, will be getting a healthier start to the day with the introduction of a new breakfast club.

Parents can drop their children off at school earlier, knowing they will get a solid meal to set them up for a morning of learning.

The Oxford, Swindon & Gloucester Co-op gave the school a community grant of £1,000 to start the club.

A spokesman for the Co-op said it would make a change. He said: "Many do not eat breakfast at home so can attend the breakfast club to have a nourishing meal.

"It is also useful for them to have a structured start to the day.

"There will be a range of activities for the children to take part in rather than sitting at home in front of the television."

The school, in Field Road, educates children from nursery to Year Six.

The grant will fund the setting up of the club, providing a nourishing meal and organising pre-school activities.