ONE train that was directly affected by the collapse on Thursday contained 70 passengers who were left stranded outside Gerrards Cross station.

The train, which was the 19.00 service from Marylebone, London, was bound for Gerrards Cross station at the time of the collapse but was halted once rail authorities had been informed of the incident, after 7.30pm.

The passengers were kept waiting for 15 minutes until a decision to retreat to the nearest station at Denham Golf Club was made.

Commuters were asked to get off at Denham where Chiltern Trains went about making alternative arrangements. But some passengers complained that the response from Chiltern hadn't been swift enough and were "deserted" at the golf course for more than two hours.

Chiltern admitted they had problems finding alternative transport.

One passenger told Midweek: "People were just deserted. Those who got out were ones who had families or friends who picked them up.

"There were a couple of lads who couldn't speak English who were still there and old people when I left at 9.30pm.

"We were just deserted."

A Chiltern Railways spokesman said: "We did have some difficulty getting enough taxis to recover a number of people.

"Rest assured we moved as quickly as we could and taxis were ordered."

He added that staff had been working "all through the night" to produce an emergency timetable and sort customer problems.