COMMUNITY TRANSPORT continues to be of service to many of our elderly and disabled residents. As well as making it possible for people to attend events in the village and to visit the Medical Centre, the bus makes regular shopping trips to Asda and Thame as well as other places.

Fortnightly trips on Fridays to various destinations are ongoing and if supported will continue.

A trip to Aylesbury for shopping is planned for July 8.

If you would like to be included phone 01494 485839.

People are picked up at home from 10am onwards. Here may I put in a plea for people to consider offering their services as drivers.

At present a driver is urgently needed for Wednesday afternoons for an hour to take people home from the day centre at Longburrow. If you could fill this gap it would be much appreciated.

Escorts and drivers are always wanted to take over as the present volunteers become too old for insurance purposes, so please do give this some thought.