TONIGHT is bingo night at the Memorial Hall. Doors open at 7.30pm. Eyes down a 8pm. Two pounds buys ten games. Proceeds go towards hall improvements.

ANNIVERSARY SERVICE and Rose Rally for the Women's Fellowship takes place at the Avenue Methodist Church, Rutland Avenue on Sunday and Monday, July 3 and 4. The Sunday service is at 10.30am when the preacher will be Judy Jarvis. Soloist is Jack Dean accompanied by Margaret Dean. The Rose Rally is on Monday, July 4 at 2.30pm. Speaker is the Rev Moira Peters and chairlady is the Rev Lynda Hughes. Singing will be by the Wesley Singers led by Beryl Peatey. There will be roll call when flowers will be received. Everyone is invited to stay for refreshments after the service. Please ring Edna Tonks on 01494 443061 if you would like to attend or need further information.

IS YOUR GARDEN or allotment your pride and joy? Why not enter the Wycombe in Bloom competition for 2005? There are classes for front gardens, hanging baskets, containers and allotments. This year there is also a newcomers category. Pick up an entry form at Notcutts Garden Centre.

The closing date for entries is Monday, July 11.