INSTEAD of berating our hospital as in past letters, may I draw attention to what can only be described as an oasis of outstanding proper nursing care, the rehabilitation unit Ward 4B.

I was admitted to Ward 4B for rehab following brain surgery in Oxford, anxious and agitated because of previous experiences on other Wycombe Hospital wards, but I needn't have worried.

The ward is in the hands of a multi-discipline team who work together under often difficult conditions. Care of the elderly has never been considered glamorous, and some of the patients were difficult but it restored my faith in the human spirit to see how staff worked tirelessly together to motivate and care for the patients.

This was the first ward I had been on where the staff worked together so well.

The sister in charge leads by example, obviously respected by her colleagues and loved by patients. The spotlessly clean ward is an uplifting place to be, worth the usual long wait for a bed.

Incidentally, there is no computer at the nurses' station, and no nurses sitting round it, (with the usual perception to patients and relatives that it's more important than nursing care).

So, thank you all, Norma, Doris, Sue, Betty, Sandra etc. Keep up the good work.

Charles Marksman, Sands