WHAT a fiasco. You never had cabbies taking industrial action in my day. It was the total opposite. Now, Mrs Mann refuses to climb into a taxi, and at times I must say I can't blame her.

Not only are drivers rude they're so expensive. To travel from one side of the town to the other costs an arm and a leg.

Whatever happened to the old school cab driver I grew up to love? They used to keep you entertained with stories of famous customers, eventful fares, or even the odd spot of bother at home.

No more. They sit staring ahead, grunting, picking their noses as ridiculous music blows out of every speaker.

No pleasantries, no "hello" or "goodbye", no "please" or "thank you." Nope, these miserable people are a different bunch to the good old days.

A good example was two weeks ago when Mrs Mann returned from the town centre with the shopping. Normally we shop together, but sometimes she likes to sneak off and visit shops that fail to interest me.

Anyway, I looked out the window and saw her struggling up the path her hands burdened with our shopping.

Of course I rushed and helped her, but I saw a smug taxi driver sitting in his car at the end of our path. He hadn't helped.

Now I'm not saying all cabbies are bad, because that would be a sweeping generalisation. But what I will say is there isn't a cabbie in Wycombe I'll be calling in the foreseeable future. Nope, from now on it's the bus for Mrs Mann and I.