TOMORROW (Fete Day for those who have been away), the Methodist Church ladies will be serving hot bacon butties, tea and coffee from 9.30am until 1pm, followed by cream teas from 2pm to 4pm. There will be stalls in the church garden from 9.30am.

YES, THE FETE is actually here, tomorrow from 1.30pm in the village hall and the greens around the hall and church. In the evening there's the Players wartime murder mystery from 8pm in the village hall. Phone 01494 883887 for a late ticket costing £12 including supper. Dressing up 40's style is positively encouraged.

ON SUNDAY being the Methodist Chapel's 185th anniversary there will be a family service in the morning led by Reverend Janice Perttipher at 11am and Jeffery Orange will lead the 6pm evening service.

YOUTH AND COMMUNITY CENTRE is to have Thursday "Drop Ins" on the second, third and fourth Thursday every month. You can get a nominally charged bowl of soup, a cup of tea and a free go in the Internet cafe. This facility is open to everyone.

BELLRINGER'S OUTING is next Saturday when a coach will be going to the Forest of Dean, Ross-on-Wye and Monmouth. Non-ringers may come too as there will be time to enjoy the surroundings when the ringers do their stuff with the bells. Phone 01494 881294 for £8 tickets.