ARE YOU A FILM BUFF? St Birinus & St John's church in Sycamore Road is running a series called "Reel Issues" involving music, film clips, drama, chat, food and the chance to hear God's story. The next film will be "Bridget Jones' Diary" on Wednesday at 7.45pm. Everyone is welcome.

ARE YOU INTERESTED in the facts about drugs, drug use and how drugs affect communities. If so, it will be worth attending the drugs awareness evening at Booker Hill school on Thursday at 7.30pm. The meeting aims to emphasise the risks of how so-called soft drugs can act as a slippery slope into harder drugs. The evening will include a presentation on the main types of drugs and their effects, a personal account by an ex-drug user and a mother's poignant story of how drugs affected her family. There will be refreshments and opportunities to talk to the speakers and representatives of organisations providing advice and information. Admission is free.

THE MEMORIAL HALL management committee was delighted to welcome three new members at the AGM. Sharon Collantine, manager of the nursery school, Graham Rimmington, tireless producer of posters and publicity material for the hall and Kris Bunce join the committee at an exciting time in the hall's history.

Architect Derek Slade presented drawings of the proposed hall improvements at the meeting. The plans are about to go out to tender, after which the serious business of applying for grants etc will begin.

IT'S CIRCUS TIME activity day at St Birinus & St John's church hall was a great success, attended by 13 childminders and 53 children. All enjoyed the fun and lunch afterwards. Other activities included games and an art competition organised by the older children for the younger ones. There were prizes, giveaways and balloons for all. For details of other activities contact 01494 438007 WADSAD MEMBERS achieved successes at the Southend Disabled Sports Club Sports Day last Saturday: Nick Rose first in lawn darts, second in shot and curling, third in table tennis and javelin distance; Michael Thorne second in lawn darts; Peter Austen first in target javelin, second in medicine ball; Susan Redman first in lawn darts; Susan Howard second in lawn darts; Lorna Hogg first in target golf; Julia Donovan second in bomber darts.

EASY PACE WALK organised by the Ramblers covers about four miles starting from the common by the Memorial Hall tomorrow at 1.30pm. Ring 01494 520729 for further details.