BADGER numbers in Buckinghamshire are among the best in Britain, a conservation group have said.

The large nocturnal creatures have been threatened in recent years by increasing traffic levels and a government cull.

However, ahead of National Badger Day on Saturday, June 18, Kris Cadman, chairman of the Buckinghamshire Badger Group, said he was encouraged by their numbers.

He said: "It's quite good.

"Bucks is one of the most populous counties and there are plenty of setts around."

Anyone interested in the animals has the chance to learn more at the Buckinghamshire Badger Group Annual General Meeting, being held on Wednesday, June 15, at 7.30pm in the Forest Enterprise Classroom, Tring Road, Halton.

Mr Cadman said he hoped to take visitors on a tour of the woods to view the wildlife as part of the meeting.