A TALE of warning. I lost my filofax. What a nightmare - I couldn't check where I was supposed to be, what I was supposed to be doing, add dates, and, worst of all, I lost my entire address system.

This proved to be particularly difficult as I needed to send birthday greetings to a school friend's daughter. Typically you can never find emails when you want to, all I found were some scribbled directions to their house which mentioned a huge church. In desperation I addressed the envelope to the daughter, I knew the name of the house and added Church Street. An email yesterday confirmed that the envelope had arrived safely. Thank you Royal Mail. The moral of this tale is that now I have an address book, and I also have a back up diary. Is there a simpler way of doing this I ask myself?

In fact I did find my filofax. I took Linda's advice and prayed to St Anthony. It turned up in my back garden.