RESIDENTS are getting a bargain, says Chesham Town Council, as it is paying up to five times less for its Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) than other councils.

The council has secured a three- year deal with Thames Valley Police to pay a £3,000 annual contribution for its four PCSO officers compared with the normal £15,000 annual rate offered to parish and town councils in Buckinghamshire.

Town clerk Bill Richards told a packed meeting of the town council on Wednesday, May 18, that Mike Shepherd, James Rocks, Clive Shilson and Hassan Malik were "a bargain compared to what the other councils are having to stump up" for their PCSOs. Bargain PCSOs are a result of an early bid by the council.

Chesham Sergeant Steve Buckland said the town could have as many PCSOs as people wanted if the council paid for them.

He said: "If you want 20 you can have 20 as long as the council raises the money to buy them."

Sgt Buckland admitted that PCSOs did not have as many powers as he would like them to have.

But he weighed that against the benefit of having a greater police presence on the street because they would not be tied up with as much paperwork.

He urged people to stop and talk to the PCSOs if they saw them out on patrol.

Sgt Buckland said: "Go and talk to the PCSOs, they work with the police and should be a contact between the community and the police."

The clerk reported that many people had spotted PCSOs on patrol and said they had found it very comforting.

Chesham Society vice chairman David Carter said: "I have seen them walking about in the High Street. I know them enough to speak to and I welcome them."

His comment was met with a spontaneous round of applause and a chorus of agreement.

Addressing the PCSOs, Chesham's mayor, Cllr Mohammed Bhatti, said: "We are investing a lot of money and hope in you.

"We hope that you will do good work for us and that we will see many more of you in the future."

Sgt Buckland firmly quashed any suggestions that PCSOs were "policing on the cheap" as suggested by one audience member.

He told the meeting that Thames Valley Police was currently at its maximum strength.

He said PCSOs were not replacing trained police officers and Chesham was lucky to have so many PCSOs.