BRING & BUY coffee morning at the Methodist Church tomorrow is from 10am to midday in aid of Christian Aid Week.

PLANT SALE at Christ Church tomorrow is from 10am to 12.30pm. As well as garden plants there will also be fairly traded refreshments. While you shop your car can be washed.

SPRING EVENING music and readings will take place in Christ Church tomorrow evening from 7.30pm. The Harmony Singers will be there and tickets at £7 include a glass of wine. You can get them on the door. All proceeds from the concert will go the Christian Aid.

FOOTBALL and a fantastic victory for the Over-35 Veteran Team who beat a Nottingham side 3-2 in their national final at Burton Albion last Sunday. Although Tony Calvert's name is on the score line, the other being an own-goal, the whole team is to be congratulated on their success.

If you would like to sponsor the football club, either with an advertisement in match day programmes or more prominently with a board at the ground, Jane on 01628 525366 would be pleased to give you more details.

RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION will be holding its first public consultation meeting on Thursday, June 9 at 7.30pm in the Royal British Legion hall. The aim is to formulate a Village Design Statement (VDS). It is important that this VDS should reflect the views of as many villagers as possible, so if you are disturbed at the ease with which unsuitable development plans seem to be given planning consent, go and voice your opinions at the meeting.

Hopefully with the recent declaration of "listening to the people" it might be possible to achieve more of our wishes regarding planning than we were allowed with the fait accompli traffic calming scheme.

FENNELS WOOD group will be going to see the rhododendrons in Langley Park on Sunday.