"THE REAL INSPECTOR HOUND" will be performed by Lacey Green Productions on Friday and Saturday, May 20 and 21at the Millennium Hall. Tickets are £17 including a three-course dinner. Arrival time is 7.30pm for 8pm start.

JUMBLE SALE for St John's Church is on Saturday, May 21 in the school hall. It starts at 2pm and refreshments will be available.

IN the series of "Ladies Breakfast" at Speen Baptist Church Hall at 8.30am tomorrow, Emily Owen will be talking about "breaking the sound barrier". Phone 01494 563074 for details.

LASTLY, a reminder that St John's May Fair is tomorrow from midday to 4pm at the school. There will be performances, displays, music, a plant sale and features Bisham Concert Band, Circus Skills workshop, Maypole dancing and tug of war. Entrance is 50p.