CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS will be back at the churchyard again tomorrow for more repairing and repainting the Victorian fencing around St Mary's. Volunteers are reminded to meet at the church entrance gates at 10am. Next Saturday they will be holding a Litter Blitz.

SAUSAGE and Mash Evening takes place at 7.30pm tomorrow in the Memorial Hall.

AND on Wednesday the Historical Society meets at the Memorial Hall at 8pm for a talk by Donald Vincent called Plate Tectonics and it is about Quakes, Volcanoes and Tsumani.

YOU are reminded that the Royal British Legion Plant Sale takes place next Saturday, May 21 in the Broadway. Selling starts at 9am.

HELPERS will be needed for the Hedgerley Festival starting on August 28. It will be back to its popular set up with a week of fun. Please direct offers of help to 01753 644628.