WARM invite to share in this coming Pentecost Sunday with Cryers Hill Methodist Church: 10.30am with Preacher Tony Cooper and 6pm has Music for Pentecost led by the singing group, followed by light refreshments. On Tuesday at 7.30pm the singing group meet. All are welcome.

MURDER MYSTERY evening organised by Little Kingshill Baptist Players is on Saturday May 21 in Little Kingshill Village Hall at 7.30pm. Tickets are £10 for adults and £8 for concessions, to include a fish and chip supper, desert and coffee. The event is in aid of Lighthouse. Please contact 01494 862209 for tickets.

COME ALONG and join other villagers for the Village Centre - coffee, cake and a chat - every Friday morning from 11am in the village hall. The cost is £1 per head; any profit will go towards the funds necessary to make the alterations required to the hall in order to make it accessible to disabled users.

WHIST and Bridge evenings are held at the village hall every third Friday of each month, starting at 7.30pm. Please call John Wilkinson on 01494 712826 for further details.