A SPEED Indication Device (SID) examination conducted in Flackwell Heath could reveal some surprising results, the village residents assoc-iation has said.

The devices, which flash up an icon, or the speed at which passing cars are travelling if they are going too fast, was used by Flackwell Heath Resid-ents Association from April 13 to April 19.

It was hoped that the examination would reveal more information about heavy road usage in the village.

The results have now been gathered and are awaiting publication, but David Onslow, who deals with police and traffic issues for the association, gave the Free Press an early insight.

He said that the devices generally showed that the village is being used as a "by-pass" off junction three of the M40.

But it emerged that concerns over cars speeding up after they had passed speed humps on the Straight Bit were unfounded.

Mr Onslow said: "We are confident that we are being used as a by-pass.

"A lot of the speed problems are in the approaches to the village."

Once the figures are published, the association hopes to pass them to the police and Bucking-hamshire County Council for their own use.