I WAS so angry and disgusted by the article (OAP dies after doorstep row) in your April 14 edition.

I was even more disappointed in John Randall's statement that people shouldn't be afraid to speak out. Every day I read the same type of sad news in the London papers about youth violence and what is loosely termed "antisocial behaviour" or "criminal damage" and the price paid by the innocent for speaking out.

Politicians should be introducing more stringent laws against such behaviour as they so gallantly campaign for during elections. The youth that commit these types of acts today are our future thieves, murderers, and terrorists.

It is about time that kids and their parents be held accountable for such behaviour.

It seems when innocent citizens try to protect themselves and their loved ones, they are punished for their actions. Isn't this a bit backwards?

Cynthia Sawyer, Ruislip